The most frequent question we get asked is “How much can I borrow?”
Lenders have been forced to adopt more sophisticated systems to access “What you can borrow”. This can involve them going deeper into the ways that you spend your money and the likely impact of future events that could affect on your affordability, such as having children.
It is vitally important that the right decisions are made now and in the future, and although the amount you can borrow is not the deciding factor in every mortgage that we recommend, we take into consideration all the important factors you feel you would want from a mortgage and try to find a lender who can accommodate your "wishlist".
Predominantly working within the West Midlands, Staffordshire and Shropshire area we are able to recommend mortgages from the whole of the market and believe there is a solution for the majority of our client's mortgage and protection needs
We work for you, THE CLIENT, and although we have relationships with most lenders and we offer a comprehensive solution for your needs. Taking advice is the most sensible thing to do and putting your trust into the hands of an expert is the right way to go about it. This is not only the case on the first mortgage, but subsequent ones that you take out, either through moving property, remortgaging or investing in property as part of a short or long term investment strategy.
With access to the whole mortgage market and a comprehensive protection provider panel, we have the expertise to not only help you today, but build a trusting relationship and assist you in anything you may wish to do tomorrow.
We could save you thousands of pounds over the lifetime of a mortgage, and have clients who have used our services time after time to use our skill and expertise in finding the right mortgage for yourself
We have all the necessary qualifications and permissions required by the FCA to carry out all of the above and enhance our knowledge and keep up with regulatory requirements by following a continuing professional development scheme.
01902 952056
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